Towards a Transparent Camera With Eye Tracking Capabilities
January 2024 - April 2024
Project Description
The Transparent Camera Project was a research project I undertook for my ECE5960 Computational Photography class.
The goal of this project was to create a camera that appeared to simply be a plane of transparent acrylic. An individual could look through this plane of acrylic and not realize that it was a camera at all. However, this pane of acrylic was designed to be capable of taking photos of what individuals would see if they looked through the acrylic pane without having the camera component of the pane visible. This was accomplished by putting a camera on the side of the acrylic pane and reconstructing the image with a neural network.
The long-term goal of this project was to utilize the transparent camera for eye tracking, particularly for car windshields and VR/AR purposes where this technology would be particularly helpful for techniques such as foveated rendering.
Example Images
Some example images taken from the transparent camera can be seen below. For those not familiar with the notation, the raw input is what the transparent camera sees without any post-processing. The reconstruction is what the neural network was able to turn the raw input into after post-processing. The ground truth is what the image was supposed to look like. You can think of the ground truth as what the image would look like if you took a picture of it with a normal camera.
Furthermore, the gathered data for the transparent camera was split into two subsets: the training set and the testing set. In the training set, the neural network has previously trained on these images and thus, often is better at reconstructing the images. In the testing set, the neural network has never seen these images before and thus, doesn't do as good of a job with image reconstruction. This partitioning of data allows us to test for how generalizable the trained neural network is. The higher the quality of reconstructed images in the testing set, the more generalizable the neural network model is.
Raw Image from the
Training Set
Reconstructed Image from the
Training Set
Ground Truth from the
Training Set
Raw Image from the
Testing Set
Reconstructed Image from the
Testing Set
Ground Truth from the
Testing Set
Below is a copy of the final paper for the Transparent Camera Project.